Friday 17 May 2013



Feel Good Inside & Look Good Outside

We are undergoing a health revolution. People all over the world are increasingly becoming more conscious about their own health and responsibility to maintain it. With the increased consciousness, the demand for the natural food , herbal medicines and nutraceuticals is growing dramatically.One of these is a SUPER FOOD called “ SPIRULINA ”.
            This first photosynthetic life forms, our immortal ancestor, was designed by nature 3.5 billion years ago. This unicellular blue-green algae produced the oxygen in our atmospherethus allowing all higher life forms to evolve. It has renewed itself with billions of years of  successful evolutionary wisdom coded in its DNA. Although mankind has consumed it for centuries .it was only rediscovered by scientists 30 years ago.
            SPIRULINA belongs to the plant food group. Its blue-green colour comes from two pigments, phycocyanin and chlorophyll. These tiny spiral coils thrive in a high-alkaline medium and harvests the energy of the Sun to supply a treasure of bio-available nutrients beneficial to the human boby.
            Spirulina is often described as a SUPER FOOD , as it contains the most remarkable concentration of nutrients known in any food, plants, grain or herb. It is the highest protein food – contains over 65% of digestible vegetables protein. It also has the highest concentration of Beta-Carotene, Vitamin B12 .Iron , Trace elements and the rare Essential Fatty Acid-GLA. These make Spirulina a great whole food and an effective alternative to isolated Vitamins and Minerals.
            Millions of peoples worldwide consumes spirulina for the qualitative improvement of their health. Current world production of Spirulina for human consumption is more than one thousand metric tons annually. The United States leads world production followed by Thailand , India and China. More countries are planning production as they realize it is a valuable strategic resourse.


Being a super Food , Spirulina Contains all the Dietary components in optimum proportion to nourish our Growth and Development. At the same time, it helps to keep our body in a perfect state of balance. The dietary composition and active ingredients of Spirulina are as follows :

● PROTEINS :                           Essential Amino Acids

● CARBOHYDRATES :            Polysaccharides , Glycogen
       (15 %)
● FATS :                                     Essential Fatty Acids , like GLA
● VITAMINS :                           B1 ,B2 ,B3 ,B6 ,B12 ,Others
● MINERALS &                        Iron , Mangnesium ,Calcium, Potassium , Selenium          TRACE ELEMENTS :               etc. in colloidal forms
●NATURAL PIGMENTS :     Phycocyanin ,Chlorophyll,Xanthophyll,Beta Carotenes
According to Dr. Ragner Berg of the United States :
In order to stay healthy ,it is essential that our daily meals provide the proper proportion of alkaline food (80%) and acidic food (20%). However many of the dietary sources of the essential nutrients are slightly acidic. Needless to say most of the junk food are highly acidic and toxic.

According to Dr. Ragner Berg of the United States :
In order to stay healthy ,it is essential that our daily meals provide the proper proportion of alkaline food (80%) and acidic food (20%). However many of the dietary sources of the essential nutrients are slightly acidic. Needless to say most of the junk food are highly acidic and toxic.

We can Keep this Balance of our body with just the following prize.
(Varies With Currency of a particular Country)
In Malaysia :
DXN SPIRULINA (120 x 300 mg = 36,000 mg) costs just RM
DXN SPIRULINA (360 x 300 mg = 1,08,000 mg) costs just RM.

Just write to for product availability.
You can get Life Time discount by two ways :

1) Either Use DXN Privilege Card No :099984779 for product purchase from any DXN Stockpoints  around the world.
 2) Join DXN International under the DXN International ID : 099984779 with Sponsor Name : NANDANI SELLADURAI  from ANYWHERE AROUND THE WORLD   and utilize health benefits from DXN products for                  3 GENERATIONS.

The building blocks of life are proteins and amino acids. Spirulina is rich in proteins, in fact about 65% of Spirulina is low-calorie , easily-digestible protein without any side effects. It is helpful in the anabolic build-up of the body,viz. its growth and development. Proteins are the most important component of our food and essential constituents for the development of the structural materials of our body viz. muscles, tissue and organs. This assumes greater significance as many of the essential amino acids cannot be manufactured in the body and must be supplied in the diet.
At the same time , proteins are equally important as regulators of metabolic functions as enzymes and hormones.

DXN Spirulina is a highly digestible natural health food supplement. It is  rich in proteins and also contains about 15 % carbohydrates in polysaccharides , glycogen , rhamnose in easily digestible forms. These elements are conveniently converted into glucose and used as an energy source. The conversion of nutrients into energy is faster for Spirulina than any other source of food.

Regular consumption of  Spirulina  strengthens the immune system. Important parts of the immune system like bone marrow, stem cell, macrophages, T-cells, Natural killer cells, spleen and thymus glands show enhanced activity on its sustained consumption. This increases the resistance to diseases and improves functioning of the immune system.
The easy availability of all essential nutrients in Spirulina also directs the metabolic activities to support the immune system.

The high intensity Super Food-Spirulina is cholesterol-free, although rich in proteins and other essential nutrients. Research studies have shown that Spirulina reduces the level of serum LDL-the bad cholesterol and  raises HDL –the good cholesterol. Thus Spirulina is a useful supplement for cardiovascular health and for lowering cholesterol.

Spirulina acts as a functional food, feeding benefitial intestinal flora, especially Lactobacillus and Bifidus. Maintaining a healthy population of these bacteria in the intestine reduces potential problems from opportunistic pathogens like E.coli and Candida albicams. Studies show when Spirulina is added to the diet, beneficial intestinal flora increase.
Spirulina is rich in natural fibres, vitamin B and magnesium, which are best for those who suffer from hemorrhoids, constipation, etc.

Spirulina has a unique combination of phytonutrints like chlorophyll, phycocyanin and polysaccharides. These are responsible for strengthening the immune system by accelerating our body’s production of antibodies and cytokines for better protection against toxic releases of bacteria and other infectious agents; thus helping in cleansing and detoxification.

Spirulina helps in reducing the risk of cancer by preventing the damage caused to our body by the onslaught of free radical and toxins. It provides better anti-oxidant protection, as it is rich in anti-oxidant vitamins, antioxidant minerals, and natural pigments like beta carotene , chlorophyll, phycocyanin etc.

The high concentration of essential nutrients in spirulina helps to satisfy our appetite, so we eat less.
Spirulina is an ideal support for any diet, As a supplement, it helps us to lighten up and make the switch from a bulky diet to lighter, more powerful food.
Being protein rich, low-fat diet,it helps to reduce the calorie intake, essential for maintaining competitive weight. At the same time it provides all the energy and stamina for work and play to those who want to undergo any weight loss program.


Ganoderma Lucidium is widely known as the “king of the herbs” and contains more than 400 active elements.
Reishi Gano (RG) and Ganoderma Lucidum (GL) are consumed in pairs.
Reishi Gano (RG)
RG (Reishi Gano) is a mushroom essence
RG  is 100% crushed spore powder and is the extract from the fruit body of the adult Ganoderma Lucidum mushroom.
Contents of Reishi Gano (RG)
Reishi Gano contains more than 400 active elements, which can be divided into 3 categories.

30% water soluble elements.
65% organic soluble elements.
5% volatile elements.
Active ingredients of RG:
Organic germanium
Ganoderic Essence
POLYSACCHARIDES  (The Cleanser) Water Soluble
Strengthen the body’s immune system
Balance blood sugar level and improves pancreatic functions
Protect against degeneration of skin cells and eliminates dead surface cells which improves skin texture and reduces the appearance of aging
Controls destruction of healthy cells throughout the body
Helps cleanse toxic deposits from the body (Detoxification)
Strengthens cell membranes
Increases oxygen carrying capacity of the red blood cells.

ORGANIC GERANIUM (The Balancer) Partially Soluble
Increases the oxygen content in the body and regulates the electrical charges in the body. (Electrical Charge Balancer)  Removes abnormal electrical charges around abscess cells.
Increases oxygen in the blood system
Reduces fatigue and increases vitality
Strengthens the immune system
Increases the metabolism
Contains an abundance of anti-oxidants that control or inhibit damaging free radicals. Free radicals are a major cause of cell degeneration, cancer and aging.
Assists our body’s natural ability to fight cancer cells
Revives cell tissues by increasing oxygen supply to body oxygen
Cleanses blood
Serves as a brain tonic and Stabilizes the nervous system
Stabilizes blood pressure
Stabilizes electrical function in the body
Eliminates water soluble toxins.
Prevents numbness in the hands and the legs
Helps patients recover  from stroke

ADENOSINE (The Regulator) Organic soluble elements
Reduces cholesterol and body fat
Helps to unclog arteries plugged with fatty deposits, and supports liver function
Lowers the level of blood lipid and stabilizes red cell membranes
Can lower the level of platelets agglutination and enhance thrombosis
Prevents fragmentation of platelets which can cause blockages in the circulatory system
Improves the function of the cortex of the adrenal glands to maintain endocrine balance
Balances the metabolic rate and boosts energy
Balances the ph of the blood

TRITERPENOIDS  (The Builder) Bitter in taste. Organic Soluble
Fortifies and improves the digestive system
Inhibits allergies, relieves sinus congestion, and helps with respiratory problems
Reduces cholesterol and neutral fats in the body
Ganoderic Essence
Rejuvenates the body’s tissues and cells
Boosts all the body’s functions
Helps to maintain youthfulness and contributes to improved vitality
Overcomes skin disorders and beautifies the skin
Is effective for relieving external problems such as scrapes, skin wounds, psoriasis, bug bites, stings, sunburn, mouth ulcers, and external bleeding.

GANODERIC ESSENSE (The Regenerator)  Volatile Elements
Can assist in the treatment of skin diseases
Beautification of the skin
Can be used as an external application on skin diseases, mouth ulcers, and external wounds )also stops bleeding)
Rejuvenates body tissues
Effects of RG:
RG is a scanner (1-30 days). RG has the wider range of scanning because it contains all the natural elements of Gano. Water soluble, organic soluble and volatile elements.
RG does functions like cleansing and detoxification (1-30 weeks).
RG removes toxins such as uric acid, excess cholesterol, fat deposits, calcium deposits, bad tissue and chemical accumulation through 1, sweating 2, urination and stool 3, boils, rashes, phlegm and mucus discharge.
RG is a regulator (1-12months). After the toxin removal from the body, RG exerts a balancing effect to restore the body function to normal.
RG is a builder (6-24 months). RG builds and heals body parts that are injured or damaged. It strengthens the body; Immune System, restores mental calmness and gives more resistance to disease.
RG supplies essential elements such as Minerals and Triterpenoides for the recovery of body function.
RG is a regenerator (1-3years). It ensures our body is functioning at its optimum level, which is actually a rejuvenating effect and thus restores youthful appearance, strength and peacefulness of mind.
 Ganoderma Lucidum (GL)
GL Ganocelium is the Mycelium of Ganoderma lucidum (the root of the mushroom) which has been dried and powdered at only 18 days old. It supplies a whole spectrum of vitamins to our body and serves as an oxygen supplier. 450 mg in each capsule.

Benefits of Ganoderma Lucidum
Enhances the Immune System
Promote stamina and endurance.
Relieves the symptoms of heartburn and acid reflux
Relieves the symptoms of Allergy and Hay Fever.
Temporary relief of the pain associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Relief the symptoms of Influenza/Flu.
Helps relieve Nervous Tension-Stress and mild Anxiety.
Temporary relief of Migraine Headaches.
Relieves symptoms of PMS and of Menstrual Symptoms.
Relieves symtoms of Pre-menstrual Symptoms/Syndrome.
Relieves Sleeplessness.
Temporary relief of Coughs.
Formula to support Liver.
Antioxidants neutralize the oxidant effect of free radicals of normal cellular respiration and metabolism. Ganoderma is one of the most potent  Anti Oxidants at 23,500 I.U’s
If healthy the body has a healthy heart, healthy blood pressure, healthy cholesterol levels,
normal blood sugar levels, and a healthy respiratory system.
All the organs in the body operate without problems.
Effects of GL:
It enhances a whole spectrum of vitamins and minerals to our body. It serves as a brain tonic, oxygen supplier and provides the basis for body growth.

Through its polysaccharide content, GL effectively prevents growth of abnormal cells and controls their spread.
Helps in strengthening the body Immune System.
Reduces sugar level in blood and revives pancreas function
Discharges water-soluble toxins.
Contents of RG
Organic germanium
A whole spectrum of Vitamins
A whole spectrum of Minerals
Amino acids
According to a report from Japan, GL contains 6000 parts of Organic germanium per million (PPM) whereas RG has 800-2000 PPM of Organic germanium. Thus it increases the hemoglobin content of oxygen by 1.5 times.

Just write to for product availability.
You can get Life Time discount by two ways :

 1) Either Use DXN Privilege Card No : 099984779  for product purchase from any DXN Stockpoints  around the world.
 2) Join DXN International under the DXN International ID : 099984779 with Sponsor Name : Nandani selladurai  from ANYWHERE AROUND THE WORLD   and utilize health benefits from DXN products for                  3 GENERATIONS.

Morinzhi Juice

Morinzhi Juice

Morinzhi juice, also called Noni juice, is chock full of nutritional elements with great health benefits. In fact, it has more than 150 active nutritional elements that can help you to achieve and maintain radiant good health and vitality!

Morinzhi is a nutritional botanical beverage specially formulated from Morinda citrifolia (Noni) enriched with Roselle Juice. Morinda citrifolia (Noni) has been traditionally used as health drink among the tropical folks. Morinzhi juice is rich in vitamins and minerals and antioxidants.

Benefits of Noni fruit
Release the body from the accumulated toxins and then the cells retrieve their
Activate the blood circulation which leads to carry the oxygen and the food to the far
Strengthen the immunity and destroy damaging free radicals which cause cancer.
Activate the metabolism and renew the cells.
Get rid of all digestive system’s problems and increased acidity.

Morinda Citrifolia comes with many names which are Great Morinda, Indian Mulberry,
Tahitian Noni, Beach Mulberry, Noni or even Mengkudu known by Malaysians.
Recent discovery shows that Noni stimulates two major hormones called serotonin and
melatonin. The pineal gland controls the 5 major other glands below it which are:
1) The thyroid which produces thyroxine to energize our cells
2) The thymus (immune system control centre) which protects us against infections and
3) The pancreas which is involved with blood sugar and secreting hormone insulin
4) The adrenal gland which responds everytime you are under stress
5) The first gland is the male and female sex organs and their hormones.
In ancient terms, the pineal gland was called the sixth gland of the body. Hence by restoring
the sixth gland, the pineal gland, it will have an impact on all those other glands and their
functions in the body. When the pineal gland is at its peak performance, it turns a golden
color and emits a black fluid. The black fluid would be the melanin color of the organs and
every other area of the body which has pigments.
The back of the eye has a black area called the macula which is pigmented with melanin.
That is the area the light hits when your eyes open. Many people have difficulty with their
eyesight (e.g. blindness, short-sighted and far-sighted and astigmatism) because one of the
causes is that the pigment at the macula is degenerating. Research has been found that DXN
Morinzhi makes the macula generate more pigment and the cells begin to return to normal
and hence reverses the blindness itself.
Disease related to pineal gland leads to multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease.
Appropriate function of the pineal gland is important in restoring those cells, and we are
seeing patients reversing some of their neurological problems because DXN Morinzhi is
stimulating the production of chemical essential to those areas of the brain.
The pancreas is also affected by DXN Morinzhi: the blood sugar and blood pressure begin to
normalize. The pineal gland affects the different organs all the way down to the first gland,
the male and female sex organs, and people are noticing for example that their prostate
glands are beginning to shrink down to normal size once they have been on DXN Morinzhi
for a short period of time. Women who have problems with their uterus or with fibroids, are
noticing that the fibroids are beginning to disappear, that their menstruation is beginning to
normalize, they have less cramps and their bleeding problems become more in balance.

Just write to for product availability.
You can get Life Time discount by two ways :

 1) Either Use DXN Privilege Card No :099984779 for product purchase from any DXN Stockpoints  around the world.
 2) Join DXN International under the DXN International ID : 099984779 with Sponsor Name : Nandani selladurai  from ANYWHERE AROUND THE WORLD   and utilize health benefits from DXN products for                  3 GENERATIONS.


What Kind of Coffee do you drink?

Don’t really feel like giving up the joys of Coffee but would like to make more health conscious decisions, the solution is here.
Drink the benefits of Ganoderma coffee and also sample all the other DXN products and enjoy the difference!
Thanks to the Ganoderma Mushroom, its extract can be mixed with High Quality Arabica coffee from Brazil.  This creates a very unique taste, as well as has a very positive effect on the body.
 Your body accumulates acids which are neutralized by the effects of the Ganoderma mushroom if used regularly.  This mushroom will also regulate blood pressure and stabilize the effects of high and low fluctuations in the body.

The Ganoderma Mushroom (Ganoderma Lucidum) contains nearly 200 alimentary substances which have positive effects on our body.  One of those ingredients is Organic Germanium which is one of the most healing substances in Nature.  The Ganoderma Mushroom is a virtuous plant therefore not containing side effects which weaken the body after long term use.  In fact, this type of mushroom improves your immune system and helps the body heal itself more rapidly.

People tend to forget to take their daily vitamin dose or have to give up their food supplement in the absence of financial means.

The King of herbs
Scientific research has confirmed the many positive effects of Ganoderma on the body including the purification of the bloodstream, blood circulation as well as improves cell quality.  It will strengthen the immune system as well as enable your organs to function optimally.  Ganoderma has been proven to reduce the effects of poor circulation and maintain a healthy body.

The two-way effect of ganoderma, that it can increase or decrease blood pressure, may sound strange. Since ganoderma hamonizes the body's functions, enhances the natural self-healing ability, can strengthen the immune system.

 Lingzhi Coffee 3 in 1

This mushroom is known among Chinese medicine practitioners as the ‘King of Herbs’. The ganoderma fungus is naturally bestowed with medicative properties that protect the immune system, provide energy and vitality, minimize tiredness and enhance longevity.
And whereas regular coffee contains between 60 to 150mg of caffeine, Gano coffee has only 9mg of caffeine. That’s a whopping difference.
Even though coffee is so ubiquitous in our society, most people who happily down several cups a day don’t realize caffeine’s actually considered a psychoactive drug.
It’s classed that way because it elevates blood glucose, which stimulates the central nervous system, altering mood and behaviour. It gives the illusion of an energy surge but what’s really happening to the body is, in fact, deeply detrimental to health. And it goes without saying, that’s especially true if consumed with the regularity and strength that many people drink it.
No wonder a double short black espresso can have the head reeling and the heart thumping!
When you consider that some obvious side effects of drinking regular coffee include insomnia, tremors, nervousness, restlessness, irritability and headaches, it’s bad enough.
But let’s look at the complete list. What’s happening inside your body is truly scary.
Elevation of blood fatty acid levels; elevation of blood pressure and/or serum cholesterol levels; irregular heartbeats and palpitations, and increased risk of cardiac arrhythmia and heart attack; increased gastric acid production & aggravation of peptic ulcers; increased heartburn ; increased symptoms of PMS; increased risk of bladder and rectal cancer; higher risk of the birth of a low-birth-weight child; and increased urinary calcium losses!
Why wouldn’t you want to do something about it? By switching to Gano coffee , you can still sip your coffee and enjoy that wonderful aroma and sublime taste, but now you know it’s doing you good! TRY GANODERMA COFFEE TODAY

 Common coffee will give you effects are as follows:
- dehydrates
- very acidic and toxic
- raises blood pressure
- raises stress levels in the body (increased cortisol)
- coffee jitters and caffeine crash

DXN Lingzhi Coffee will give you these:
- balances ph level of body
- natural detoxification
- increase immune system
- provides energy, oxygenates the body
- decaffeinated (no jitter or caffeine crash)
- with ganoderma extract (the king of herbs)
- will give you extra income while you drink.

coffee 2-1