Saturday 24 November 2012

DXN - A Legitimate Global Business Opportunity

DXN - A Legitimate Global Business OpportunityDXN is one of the largest producers of Gaoderma products in the world. Products and services are available in more than 18 countries. Very strong network of over five million members, spread world wide. The simple way to success in life is 4 Cs.. COMMIT . As a Member CONSUME DXN products to get health CONVINCE yourselves of the product performance COMMUNICATE to others for Health & Wealth.
Join DXN International, currently there are 79 countries where DXN has its operations and this list is growing. This includes DXN Philippines, DXN Australia, DXN Bangladesh, DXN Canada, DXN Hongkong, DXN India, DXN Indonesia, DXN Singapore, DXN Thailand and DXN USA where DXN has its own international branches. Nobody can doubt legitimacy and product quality which DXN has to offers. This is the only reason for DXN's rapid expansion and increasing market demands for its products.
Who should join DXN international?
There can be a number of answers to this question but the people who join DXN are usually the people who have already benefited from DXN products and are aware of its health potential.
There are three types of people who join DXN:
Health Conscious Consumers: People who are willing to consume DXN products throughout their life in order to stay healthy and fit.
Legitimate Wealth Seekers: People who see DXN as a business opportunity which can help them in financially secure future. Most of the people who are successful DXN marketers now were actually ordinary people who shifted to DXN because of their health related problems and during there stay with DXN they unintentionally introduced these products to others and now they are DXN achievers. A rare phenomenon.
Socially Active Health Promoters: It will look strange but this is also a valid reason for some of them, who joined DXN International. People, who get fed up with their medical history and the wild hunt they had to launch to find some remedy, can better understand the meaning of natural health.
DXN Distributorship and Its Benefits
DXN Membership is open to anyone who is at least 18 years old.
Legal spouse are registered as one, which means both of them cannot apply for separate DXN membership.
DXN Distributor Membership is a lifetime membership and no monthly or yearly renewal is required, if a distributor is active. Active distributor means he has purchased at least one item in last 12 months.
Legal spouse have a single distributor membership. It means both of the partners cannot apply for separate memberships.
DXN Distributor Membership is inheritable i.e. all the benefits of a members work and membership is transferred to the legal heir.
DXN Distributor Membership can be sold or gifted to anyone.
DXN Distributors are never demoted from any Network Status they have reached.
DXN Distributor is free to sponsor members to his network globally i.e. no distributor has right over territory.
Membership fees, kit and Distributor Application form format may vary depending on the Country/region.
Where to join DXN international
DXN is available in a number of countries and regions, you can join DXN in your local region if you are at least 18 years old as DXN Distributor. You can get more details from the websites or address provided below or you can simply use our contact us form on this site.
Sponsoring Distributors to DXN Health Plan
Joining as a DXN Distributor requires a Sponsor if you are interested in choosing us as your sponsor please use our contact us form and let us know or mail to :
You will receive Sponsor Details by email immediately. 

Ganoderma the ‘Universal food which acts like Medicine’ the savior of modern diseases.

Ganoderma the ‘Universal food which acts like Medicine’ the savior of modern diseases.

By Yukio Naoi of Kyoto University Foodstuff Scientific Institute

“Is Ganoderma really a universal medicine?” “Let’s not talk about the diseases prevalent in history, but of modern diseases. In order to find answer, we have investigated its functions over and again for thirteen years. Satisfactory results have been obtained.

The first issue is whether Ganoderma can be effective on all kinds of diseases. Our reply is ‘Yes’, because it is able to maintain the health of a modern person. For an unhealthy person, Ganoderma can effect the most feeble parts of his body. To a patient, it can root out the source of the sickness and allow recovery.

Ganoderma can change an imbalanced body to a healthy one. There is no difference among human races, ancient or modern people. People all over the world obtain the same results.

If the patient’s constitution conforms to Ganoderma, the patient achieves the drug’s highest effects. In fact, we have not found any person who obtained negative effects or inefficient results.

Some outstanding results obtained recently are simply analyzed below, in order to evaluate the efficacy of Ganoderma.

Headache and shoulder pain caused by hypertension and arteriosclerosis are completely cured, and blood pressure also improved.
Reported by Mr. Isao Tani of the Medical Research Institute of Kinki University.
The experimental subjects were predominantly hypertension patients. Blood pressure showed significant improvement. One patient with reading of 180/96, had a reading of 126/94 after three months. Such remarkable improvement is rarely seen without using antihypertensive medicine.

Some female arteriosclerosis patients’ blood pressure dropped to 128/67 from 158/77, within three months. Their cholesterol level also improved from 269 to 242.

Some patients have hypertension with headache and shoulder pain. Their blood pressure dropped from 151/78 to 118/72 in one month, and headaches were eliminated.

Of a number of patient who had blood pressure and pain problems, both conditions improved.

Based on the above results, we may see that Ganoderma is useful to hypertension patients. Using anti-hypertensive to lower blood pressure can lower the systolic pressure, but not the diastolic pressure. Ganoderma can lower both. This is its outstanding quality.

Why is it effective for both systolic and diastolic pressure?
Dr. Shigere Yuji of Kinki University gives six explanation why Ganoderma is effective for cardio-vascular diseases.

Treats hypertension
Elevates blood pressure of hypotensive patients.
Prevents arteriosclerosis and lowers cholesterol level.
Prevents thrombogenesis and dissolves thrombi.
Reduces the side effects of antihypertensive.
Used together with hypertensive, causes a hypotensive effect.
Cancer, sudden death and vascular obstruction diseases are threatening no more.
It is also effective in treating cerebral vascular obstruction, cardiac infraction and cerebral apoplexy and angina pectoris.
Reported by Mr. Uebara Kioshi of Kinki University
Taking Ganoderma can reduce the serious symptoms of the above diseases, without traditional treatment. Among these cases, was a patient with a right cerebral arterial obstruction which occurred twice. He received the best result after taking Ganoderma and Urokinase, together. Complete mobility finally returned.

A patient suffering from cerebral vascular obstruction, who was partially paralyzed, could move freely after taking Ganoderma. His free fat and B–lipo protein value returned to normal.

Taking Ganoderma together improve the condition of cardiac patients. This proves that taking Ganoderma together with other drugs, may result in better result. By the way, since the above diseases are difficult to cure, it is better to take Ganoderma regularly to prevent their occurring in the first place.

It is effective in the treatment of acute or chronic hepatitis, or liver dysfunction.
Reported by Dr. Mitsui Hashimoto of Hashimoto Hospital
At the present time, hepatitis is still a disease, which cannot be treated with any specific method. If Ganoderma is effective, it would be a meaningful medicine for its treatment.

Six capsules per day were prescribed to some patients with hepatitis. Three months later, all patients were recovering, their GOT and GPT values decreased from 200-300 to 100.

In addition, one patient who used Ganoderma together with some Chinese herbal medicines resulted in a decreased GOT and GPT. There was one case of hepatitis combined with hypertension. After taking Ganoderma, satisfactory results were obtained.

The above conditions cannot be conclusive, but positive results of taking Ganoderma on hepatitis can be expected.

When liver function is declining, the patient may get tired. Taking Ganoderma can help ease fatigue.

The belief that ‘Liver disease is incurable’ should be abandoned.
The liver is the most important organ for health. Liver function is quite complicated. Therefore, liver diseases are considered difficult to treat, and dietetic treatment is the only method adopted by Western physicians.

However, Ganoderma is able to make the complicated organ function, and bring back to normal. Based on our practical investigation, Ganoderma can contribute a very positive effect. Dr. Shigeru Yuji reported that 10% of liver disorders could be cured after taking for two months. 40% of the patients were relieved of their symptoms, and their liver size was reduced. 50% of the patients felt their symptoms diminished.

1. Pain from gastritis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, etc., can be relieved immediately.
Reported by Dr. Taro Tamura of Kinki University
We used Ganoderma in gastritis. Gastric ulcers, and duodenal ulcer treatment. The most interesting case was of a man, who had developed a gastric ulcer when he was young and which had recently returned. Other medicines were in effective, but one week after beginning treatment with Ganoderma, his pain was significantly reduced. When the dosage was reduced, he felt pain once a day or almost no pain at all. He usually used an analgesic, but it seemed useless. This treatment is also effective for gastritis and duodenal ulcer patients who suffer from chest pain, loss of appetite, and gastric ulcer patients who are fatigue and feeble. It can also help gastric cancer post-operative pain. Some patients’ color improved and they put on weight, little by little after taking Ganoderma.

2. Ganoderma protects the patients who overeat, or eat only one kind of food, or who are poisoned by food.
It has surprising results in dysentery, constipation, gastric hyperacidity, and peptic ulcer. Its effects are equal to that of medicines now in common use. Dr. Shigeru Yuji also reported its high efficacy in treating gastritis and ulcers.

The main function of the stomach and the intestines is to absorb the required nutrients in food, then excrete the wastes before fermentation. People usually eat too much, or eat an imbalanced diet, or eat toxic foods, then their digestive organs are damaged. Ganoderma cannot only protect the organs but can improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

3. No need for the obese to go on starvation diets
After World War II, people were poor and did not have enough food to eat. It was needless to care about obesity, for most people were very lean. Due to medical progress and improved economic conditions, contagious diseases and poverty are much less of a problem, while chronic diseases and different kinds of adult diseases are increasing.

It was found in our investigation that thin people who take Ganoderma can gain weight, and overweight people can lose weight. No matter how old or young, whether male or female, whatever one’s constitution is, Ganoderma can allow a person to maintain the optimal body weight and figure. Ganoderma will adjust the constitution and equalize biological functions if one takes it steadily.

Since Ganoderma can eliminates obesity, overweight people do not need to worry about their obese figures and the figure – conscious women do not need to suffer the pain and ill effects of starvation diets and weight loss drugs.

1. Taking Ganoderma together with chemotherapy may have significant results for patients who have had surgery for breast cancer, colon cancer or gastric cancer.
Reported by Dr. Hiroshi Kawai of Kinki University
The experimental subjects were patients who were treated improperly after surgery, and patients who were suffering from the side effects of chemotherapy.

After a mastectomy, and chemotherapy, one patient’s face become very dark. After using Ganoderma for two months, her colon improved.

One patient’s limbs became paralyzed and swollen after a mastectomy. After using Ganoderma for one month, the numbness significantly improved.

Some patients used Ganoderma together with some herbal medicines for ten days after a colostomy. Night sweats disappeared and appetite improved.

Some patients who have had a gastric cancer operation lose their appetites. When six capsules of Ganoderma were taken each day, their appetites improved.

In view of the above results, we can see that ganoderma taken with chemotherapy can treat only valuable auxiliary, but also reduce side effects of chemotherapy.

2. Prevents cancer metastasis, relieves pain, and can improve the chances for longevity.
Ganoderma belongs to the Polyporacease of fungi family, and is believed to be an effective cancer treatment in Japan, China, the U.S.A., Canada, the U.S.S.R., and Scotland. Some medical specialists in different countries are using the latest scientific instruments to do clinical tests, e.g. Prof. Ta-cheng, Medical College of the National Taiwan University; Prof. Cheng Hui-hua and Prof Tung Ui-chi of Taipei Medical College. The experimental results have proved that Ganoderma is effective in cancer treatment. Information concerning Ganoderma in treating cancer from Research reports is listed below.

The anti-cancer components of Ganoderma are polysaccharides and germanium.
Its efficacy is of additional efficacy and multiplicative efficacy. Taken separately, no effects can be obtained.
It can strengthen stamina, elevate the immune system, and restrain cancer metastasis.
After undergoing surgery, it is helpful to patients with cancers such as esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, breast cancer, intestinal cancer, and uterine cancer.
It can eliminate cancerous ascites, increase appetite, and relieve the pain of late stage cancer.
It can be used together with other cancer treatments, such as surgery, radiation, or combined with chemotherapy. It has no side effects and is effective.
Based on the above clinical reports, we may see that it possesses cancer preventing, suppressing, and curing qualities.

Most of us may have dental carries, myopia or cancer tendencies when we are young, or they may developed at any time. We should try our best to prevent them from occurring. If we want to prevent tooth decay, we should eat more calcium and avoid sweets. If we want to avoid myopia, we should eat more vitamin A and avoid eye fatigue. If we want to prevent cancer, we should eat Ganoderma and avoid imbalanced diet.

Ganoderma is aloes effective in treating varicose veins, on the waist and shoulders, and rheumatism of the hands and knees. It can also treat sciatica.
Reported by Dr. Taro Kiyobara of the Hospital of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
Ganoderma can be used to treat low back pain, and pain of the hands, shoulders, and knees. There is one case of varicose veins which improved a little.

Ganoderma is considerably effective in the treatment of pain caused by blood, blood vessel, or hematoma on the torso. As to shoulder, neck and knee pain, in one case the pain originated from a deformed knee, but the pain was relieved.

Treating pain which results from some structural factor, such as low back pain caused by herniated intervertebral disk is ineffective.

1. Ganoderma is also effective in treating gynecological problems, such as menstrual cramps, vertigo, menopause disturbances, etc.
Reported by Dr.Yoshinori Imanishi of the Imanish Gynecology and Obstetrics Hospital.
The writer, who is an OB-GYN specialist, prescribed Ganoderma to women patients who had menstrual cramps, dizziness, irregular menstruation, menopause disturbances, and difficulty in becoming pregnant.

There were three cases, which had positive results. A 46-year old woman, took Ganoderma for one month when her dizziness and shoulder pain was relieved. A pregnant woman had tightness in her chest and no appetite. After treatment with Ganoderma her condition improved. One woman with a physiological disorder, was married for many years, but could not conceive. After taking Ganoderma for three months, she became pregnant. There are two cases where positive results were obtained from combining Ganoderma and herbal medicines. In the first case, abdominal pain was reduced.

Ganoderma can relieve postpartum symptoms, acting as a hemocatharsis, diuretic, and a detoxicant.

2. Ganoderma is a required medicine for the pregnant woman and parturient woman.
When a daughter becomes pregnant, her parents may wonder if it is safe to give Ganoderma. The expectant mother may become moody, especially if it is the first pregnancy. During pregnancy, women are quite sensitive to outer stimulation, both mentally and physically. Though it is a natural phenomena, most women have difficulty adapting.

During this period, taking Ganoderma may act as a hemocatharsis, a diuretic and as a detoxicant and will allow the fetus to develop normally. It is said that Ganoderma may help the woman who is uneasy to get pregnant, or who has had habitual abortion before. Prof. Kanata of Tohoku University believes that taking Ganoderma can strengthen sexual ability of both the male and the female intensifying the activity of spermatozoa and regulating ovulation of the female.

Information from the different sources reveals that Ganoderma may be thought of as the ‘friend of the female'. It should be considered a required medicine for women,

Ganoderma may affect a 100% cure for renal diseases.
Kidney disease is also one of the difficult diseases to cure. They include acute or chronic nephritis, diabetic renal syndrome, nephrosis, and rheumatic fever. These may be due in part to a high cholesterol count and a high blood sugar level. The kidneys are overloaded and blood cannot reach renal capillaries. Nephrosis results in, with edema, fatigue and possibly serious uremia.

Prof. Fumio Tsurudani of the Nagoya University Medical Institute, Japan, did an experiment with patients suffering from renal disease to check the effectiveness of Ganoderma. It was found that it could not only lower proteinuria and cholesterolemia, but could maintain renal proper function.

Based on our experimentation results, renal disease can be cured 100% by taking Ganoderma. It is indeed a surprising achievement.

Diabetes is no more a terrible disease.
It is said once you have diabetes, your life will be tangled with it. However, we cured a number of cases with Ganoderma.

As we know, insufficient insulin secretion is the cause of diabetes and this results in some serious complications. Currently, Western physicians use insulin injections as the only treatment. Though insulin is able to lower blood sugar level, the symptoms recur very soon. Furthermore, it is just like a cortisone hormone injection, with many side effects. Insulin is unable to recover pancreas function, and it speeds up the aging of the organ.

The Medical Research Institute of Kinki University found in yearly experiments that Ganoderma has the same function as insulin. Accordingly, after taking Ganoderma, not only can insulin deficiency be supplemented, but it can also make the pancreas regain, its original function. In addition, it does not have any side effects like injections do.

The occurrence of hereditary diseases can be prevented
Many kinds of hereditary diseases have high occurrence rate. If you are healthy at this moment, you want to maintain this condition all your life. Ganoderma can help you reach this goal. Ganoderma’s outstanding feature is that “it can adequately reflect slight symptoms of diseases, keeping the human body in harmonious condition”. This expression is the conclusion obtained from experiments on thousand of people.

Ganoderma is a kind of medicinal food with over two thousand years of human experience. After long term experiments, its pharmacological nature has been further clarified, and it is widely used to maintain the health of human beings. Its position in the medical field has been firmly established.

Time passes too quickly. Won’t you regret it if you have this world without taking it?

Ganoderma is also effective in the treatment of difficult and mysterious diseases such as:

No cause can be found.
Even if the cause can be found, it is untreatable with drugs. For example, blood pressure disorders are caused by many factors, but it is too complicated to understand the source and eliminate it. Even though anti-hypertensive drugs can relieve the symptoms, the source cannot be eliminated.
For diseases that cannot be treated adequately with medicine, cannot be diagnosed, or cannot be cured by Western drugs, Ganoderma can be considered a precious panacea. Only Ganoderma can treat these diseases successfully, eliminating the root cause of various puzzling diseases.

Ten Major Causes of Death

Malignant tumor
Cerebrovascular disease
Cardiac disease
Chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis

"Are You Tired of Being Employed? "
Live a healthy lifestyle and get handsome monthly income for the rest of your life.
Dear Friends,

Sounds too good to be true?

Sorry to disappoint you, but it's absolutely true. You can have this residual income for just a $70 /INR 500 membership.

Read on and then decide.

As the entire generation of people who brought about microwaves, computers, buildings and the Internet begin to retire; the wellness industry will experience a tremendous amount of growth. These Baby Boomers, who have built up personal and professional fortunes, will spend everything on their retirements and on themselves, as they have to stay healthy to enjoy the fruits of their long years of labor.

However, the world we live in is beset by pollution. Most, if not all, of our environs are either polluted or laced with chemicals. The air we breathe is polluted, and the water and the food we take in have been chemically treated. There are more chemicals and additives in a simple bottle of pancake syrup than words that we can understand.

Today’s modern sicknesses are chronic and are brought about by unhealthy lifestyles. Pollution just simply adds more to our sicknesses. High blood pressure, asthma and certain types of diabetes are all consequences of lifestyles and pollution.

This, however, is just the proverbial tip of the iceberg.

The main problem that we face today is stress. We hear many stories of how stress brings about many other diseases. Stress, unfortunately, is the most dangerous and most ignored cause of physical problems.

Stress can be handled; don’t get me wrong. There are several means to combat stress, such as meditation and exercise, but the issue again is time. We find time for our jobs, we find time for friends, but we barely have the time for exercise and physical exertion.

And the only solution to this is prevention.

We have often heard the saying that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. It has been repeated so often that most of us could recite it in our sleep.

With most medical treatments today looking back to natural solutions, we see that the answer also lies in nature.

To begin prevention, one has to first detoxify his or her body. However, the detoxifying agent must also be natural and without any other contaminating ingredient.

Before I give you all the details about this food supplement, allow me to discuss what it contains.

For centuries, the Chinese and Japanese have been using natural food supplements as part of their diets. It is of no wonder, then, that the Chinese and the Japanese are renowned for their longevity.

Central to their food supplements is a simple mushroom called Ganoderma Lucidum. The Chinese call it Lingzhi and the Japanese call it Reishi; but no matter what they call it, they refer to the same kind of mushroom.

Ganoderma has been given many nicknames such as the “King of Herbs”, and works by detoxifying the body. By removing toxins from the body, Ganoderma restores any imbalance in the body brought about by an unhealthy lifestyle. When this equilibrium is restored, only then can body organs start to function normally.

It is a simple matter. Remove toxins and the body functions normally. Normal body functions increase resistance to toxins. A resistant body leads to a healthy body.

Again, it sounds so simple. It does because it actually is.

And so back to the food supplement.

The food supplement is called RG/GL, which is composed of 100% Ganoderma Lucidum, and is available in either powder or tablet form. A continued use of this food supplement will detoxify the body, as well as boost immunity to diseases.

Now, living healthy can also be profitable. Yes, it is possible to have the best of both worlds.

By simply using the product, you can assure a healthier lifestyle for you and your family. But it doesn’t have to stop here.

If you decide to become a distributor, then your earning potential increases dramatically. DXN have had distributors who make USD 5000 to 10,000 per month, with the highest-ranked distributors making USD 1,000,000 in a month.

There are no gimmicks and no hidden tricks. All you have to do is share the good news about Ganoderma Lucidum and get them to sign up.

To start, download and print out the membership application form on this page and submit it to any one of our authorized service centers. Don’t worry, service centers have already been established in more than 115 countries around the world, so there’s bound to be a service center near your location.

Opportunities only come once, so take advantage of this and sign up. This isn’t the time to put it off. If you don’t have the time, knowledge and ability to convince people, we can send you a marketing formula to help you out. But remember, you have to take the first step.

A whole new healthy and financially stable lifestyle awaits you. There is no better time to start than now.
Still have questions or don’t know where a service center is? Call us at skype jehova7314 or E-mail:, sign in the guest book, so that we can reserve your membership and have one of our Team Members to call you for an appointment.

DXN is a multinational company based at Malaysia. It was established in the year 1993 by Dr.Lim Siow Jin. DXN produces and markets high quality Ganoderma Lucidum and Ganoderma Mycelium. DXN makes RG (Reishi Gano) a kind of mushroom essence derived from the fruit body of the Ganoderma Lucidum, and GL (Ganocelium) is derived from the mycelium i.e. roots of the ganoderma lucidum.
There are actually 38,000 types of mushrooms available in the whole world. Of them only 2000 are edible types i.e. for human consumption. Out of which only 200 have medical properties of which 6 types of mushrooms have superior medicinal and therapeutic value.
From the first body of the DXN ganoderma, RG is prepared. From the roots of the DXN ganoderma, GL is prepared. Combined together both RG&GL have more than 200 active elements. Out of these 65% are organic soluble, 30% are water-soluble and 5% are volatile substances.
Contents of RG Contents of GL
Organic germanium Organic germanium
Adenosine Minerals 
Ganoderic essence Amino acids.
 Effects of RG:
  • RG is a scanner (1-30 days). RG has the wider range of scanning because it contains all the natural elements of Gano water soluble, organic soluble and volatile elements.
  • RG does functions like cleansing and detoxification (1-30weeks). RG removes toxins such as uric acid, excess cholesterol, fat deposit, calcium deposit, bad tissue and chemical accumulation through 1) sweating 2) urination and stool 3) boils, rashes, phlegm and mucus discharge.
  • RG is a regulator (1-12months). After the toxin removal from the body, RG exerts a balancing effect to restore the body function to normal.
  • RG is a builder (6-24 months). RG builds and heals body parts that are injured or damaged. It strengthens the body; immune system, restores mental calmness and gives more resistance to disease.
  • RG supplies essential elements such as Minerals and Triterpenoides for the recovery of body function.
  • RG is a regenerator (1-3years). It ensures our body is functioning at its optimum level, which is actually a rejuvenating effect and thus restores youthful appearance, strength and peacefulness of mind.
 Effects of GL: is the mycelium of Ganoderma Lucidum
  1. It supplies a whole spectrum of vitamins and minerals to our body. It serves as a brain tonic, oxygen supplier and provides the basis for body growth. 
  2. Through its polysaccharide content, GL effectively prevents growth of abnormal cells and controls their spread. 
  3. Helps in strengthening the body immune system. 
  4. Reduces sugar level in blood and revives pancreas function & 
  5. Discharges water-soluble toxins.
    Through Organic Germanium
    • It increases oxygen supply to blood circulation
    • It revives cell tissues by increasing oxygen supply to body oxygen
    • Relieves fatigue
    • Cleanses blood
    • Serves as a brain tonic and
    • Stabilizes the nervous system
    • Stabilizes blood pressure
    • stabilizes electrical function in the body & 9)It eliminates water soluble toxins.
According to a report from Japan, GL contains 6000 parts of Organic germanium per million (PPM) whereas RG has 800-2000 PPM of Organic germanium. Thus it increases the hemoglobin content of oxygen by 1.5 times.
Thus both RG & GL should be used together for comprehensive results.It's always recommended that they are taken as a pair.

help prevent

Monday 6 August 2012

Reishi Gano Tea

This lovely, flavorsome, premium organic tea is alkaline and refreshing, so for that morning cuppa, you won't go past this. Each pot bag makes up to 8 cups of Tea.

Tea is a traditional beverage brewed from the processed leaves of the Tea plant " Camellia sinensis",  In each leaf lies the natural composition of nature's goodness, especially polyphenols (catechins, flavonoids), trace elements and vitamins. Polyphenols possess potent antioxidant functions which help to protect the human body against harmful effects of free radicals that may weaken ourimmune system.
To enhance the beneficial effects of Tea, DXN proudly introduces the DXN Reishi Gano Tea, that does not only include benefits of Tea as mentioned above, but also blended with high quality Reishi Gano powder to improve your health by regular consumption. DXN Reishi Gano Tea has no added preservatives, artificial colourings and flavourings. Reishi Gano Tea refreshes your mind and body, aids digestion and helps maintain your youthful appearance.
In addition to enjoying the benefits of health, you will also delight in its exceptional flavour and pleasant aroma in this rich, golden brew.
Long for a healthy yet flavoursome cup of Tea? Simply keep topping up the pot, & use the residue on your indoor plants.
Packaging size: Box of 20 bags

Spica Tea

Spica Tea is rich in natural ingredients containingGanoderma lucidum and Radix glycyrrhizae.
Spica Tea is mild and ideal for all ages and genders.
Boil one (1) Tea bag in 7 cups of water for at least 5 minutes and serve. You may use the same Tea bag as much as 21 cups of serving. You may add lemon and honey for a refreshing cold drink.
Packaging size: Box of 20 bags